Seznam se s našimi ambasadory! Ambasadoři Study in Czechia jsou zahraniční studenti, kteří s tebou sdílí své každodenní zkušenosti s životem a studiem v Česku. Sleduj jejich cestu na našem blogu, Instagramu nebo YouTube, a zjisti, proč je Česko #smartchoice!
STUDY IN ambasadoři
- Love romanticising my life with studies and when in Prague it couldn’t be more better.
- India
- Student (currently studying in Czechia)
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- Masters in Economics & Management
- Master
- Enjoy the studies, discover your goals, and live each day to the fullest.
- India
- Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- Informatics
- Bachelor
- Being a international student in Czechia has opened a lot of opportunities to me and gave me the chance to access high quality education in a beautiful country!
- Brazil
- Student (currently studying in Czechia)
- Masaryk University
- International Relations and European Politics
- Master
- "Discipline, sooner or later, will overcome intelligence."
- Mexico
- Student (currently studying in Czechia)
- Masaryk University
- International Relations and European Politics
- Bachelor
- Always find meaning in the ordinary and be like water—adaptable, skillful in navigating challenges, embodying both strength and gentleness, nourishing all without contention.
- Czechia
- Student (currently studying in Czechia)
- Charles University
- Society, Communication, and Media
- Master
- Embark on thrilling adventures, challenge your boundaries, and make memories that last a lifetime.
- Yemen
- Student (currently studying in Czechia)
- University of Pardubice
- Informatics and System Engineering
- Master
- Combine world-class education with unforgettable adventures across Europe.
- India
- Student (currently studying in Czechia)
- Silesian University in Opava
- Economics and Management
- Master
Natasha Noam
- Surround yourself with amazing people, amazing scenery, and amazing food and you’ll be more than fine!
- Israel
- Student (currently studying in Czechia)
- Charles University
- Society, Communication, and Media
- Master
- “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”-Nelson Mandela
- Colombia
- Student (currently studying in Czechia)
- Mendel University in Brno
- International development
- Bachelor
Jose Francisco
- Keep that smile on your face, with a smile you are welcome any place.
- Ecuador
- Student (currently studying in Czechia)
- Charles University
- Society, Communication and Media
- Master
10 results found.