Since I came to Prague to study the Czech language, I knew it was going to be a big challenge for me, but something that I would definitely enjoy. It all starts since my mother tongue is derived from Latin and Czech is derived from Slavic and boy, what a great adventure!
Ahoj, jmenuju se Angeles, jsem z Mexica!
Hi, my name is Angeles. I am from Mexico!

The real challenge was to speak it, it was to get out of my comfort zone and trust that I had the necessary knowledge to at least ask how I can get to Lucerne (because the streets of Prague are a magical maze!)
The classes were very entertaining, the Czech teachers are very dynamic and they always want you to learn the subject well, because they notice the effort you make to speak their language (although at first they speak to you in Czech, later you understand what they say). I had 3 teachers, one taught us the grammar rules, another taught us listening and another taught us vocabulary and reading.
My class was very small, there were only 6 students and I had 2 classmates, one from Korea and the other from Abu Dhabi. My other 3 companions were from Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine. They were very interesting classes, I was amazed at the support I got from my classmate from Abu Dhabi, her way of helping me when I didn't understand something in class and the way she whispered the answers when they asked me something in class ... sadly because of the current situation, that had to end and we had to adapt to the online mode.e the change begins.